Kuniyoshi: Otake and the Hag of Hell Serving Sake to the Rice God Inari
Kuniyoshi 国芳: The beauty Koga no Tsubone and koto beneath full moon
Kunisada: Danjuro IX as Shirafuji, with Ehon scene of Women looking at Ukiyo-e
Kunisada: Sumo Wrestler Kagamiiwa Hamanosuke Crouches in the Ring (鏡岩濱之助)
Kunisada: Ningyo-cho, the Doll District, with Ichimura Uzaemon XII and Bunraku Puppets
Kunisada: Ghost Head and Magic Scroll; Ka Brigade
Toyohara Kuniteru : Actor Triptych Evening Scene of a Fight with a Black-clad Assassin
Kuniyoshi 国芳: Seated Beauty with Seigen and Otowa-no-taki 音羽の滝 Waterfall (Reserved)
国周:七十八歳の時の歌川国貞の肖像 豊国の揮毫に艶色を競ふ