Kunisada: Ronin Wielding his Katana Sword 神崎与五郎則休 沢村訥升
Kunisada: Diptych of Yosaburo and Yasu the Bat with Ryogoku Bridge Fireworks Behind
Katsukawa Shuntei 春亭: Warrior Kusunoki Masashige Holding Scroll 楠 正成
Kunisada: Princess Takiyasha Performing Sorcery of Vengeance
Kunisada: Fisherman Hanamanari with Torch and unusual alcohol bottle
Kunisada II: Princess Kusunoki and magical Princess Koroku descending on clouds Kabuki Triptych
Kunisada: Tsu Brigade, Ninth Group, Tabata; Bando Mitsugoro VI as Ota Mochisuke Ason つ 九番組」 「田畑」 「太田持資朝臣 坂東三津五郎」(六代目)
Kunisada: Ro Brigade, Second Group, Shinba; Sawamura Chojuro V holding a Standard ろ 二番組
Kunisada: Nakamura Shikan with Magical Feather Robe バン雀太郎
Kunisada: Tenjin Shrine: Tea Stall Waitress
Kuniyoshi 国芳: Gentoku Jumps His Horse into the Tan Gorge 玄徳馬躍擅渓跳図 (RESERVED)
Kunichika: Portrait of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken