Isoda Koryusai (attributed to): Beauty Looking at Snow in the Sunset 囲女の暮雪) (Reserved)
Isoda Koryusai: The Courtesan Tamazusa of Uchida-ya and her Kamuro (Vever Collection)
Utamaro 歌麿: Beauties Engaged in Silkworm Cultivation: Stage number Seven
Kunisada 国貞: Beauty with Fan and girl holding a ring of lantern plants (hozoki) 操珠数ハ世捨人の手引ぐさ
Kunisada: Young Woman Stacking Morning Glories
Kunisada 国貞: Beauty Reading a Letter Next to an Andon
Utamaro 歌麿: Courtesan writing letter and companion; Hour of the Dog 戌の刻
Kuniyoshi 国芳: Benevolent Beauty Releasing Captive Turtles
Kuniyoshi 国芳: Beauty and Falling Leaves; Clearing Weather at Mama
Kuniyoshi 国芳: The Haiku Poetess Kaga no Chiyo and Alighting Geese
Kuniyoshi 国芳: The beauty Koga no Tsubone and koto beneath full moon
Eisen: Vertical Diptych of a Beauty Reading a Love Letter