Yoshitoshi 芳年: Gojo Bridge Moon (Yoshitsune) 五条橋の月 (Sold)
Yoshitoshi 芳年: Saga Moor Moon 嵯峨野乃月 (SOLD)
Yoshitoshi 芳年: The Cry of the Fox 吼噦 (SOLD)
Yoshitoshi 芳年: Heike Clan Beneath the Sea (Yoshitoshi's first print) (Sold)
Yoshitoshi 芳年 : Battle of Ichinotani 一ノ谷の戦い (Sold)
Yoshitoshi: 9 O’clock in the Morning: Beauty with Cat (Sold)
Yoshitoshi: I Want to Be a Hostess (Sold)
Yoshitoshi: Looking Refined: The Appearance of a Court Lady During the Kyowa Era (Sold)
Yoshitoshi 芳年: Sumiyoshi Full Moon –Lord Teika and the God of Poetry (SOLD) 住よしの名月
Yoshitoshi 芳年: The Moon and the Abandoned Old Woman (Sold)
Yoshitoshi 芳年: Shinobugaoka Moon--Gyokuensai 忍岡月 玉淵斎 (SOLD)
Yoshitoshi 芳年: The Moon’s Invention-- Hozo Temple (Sold)