Yoshitoshi 芳年: Carrying a Giant Taro Root at the Senzoku Festival
Utagawa Yoshiiku: Silhouette of the Actor Bandô Tarô
Kuniteru II: My Pet Cat Has Caught A Rat Lyric Sheet
Kiyochika: Caricature of Sumo Wrestling at Ekoin Temple in Ryogoku
Kiyochika: Couple Clashing over a Letter; the syllable "Ro"
Chikanobu: Fukujuso; Women Buying Adonis Plant at a Night Market
Kiyochika 小林: Sumida River 隅田川
Kawanabe Kyosai 河鍋 暁斎: Fan Print of Swallows and Wind Chime (Sold)
Toshihide: Kabuki Actor Brandishing a Club
Kunichika: All the Villains together
Kunichika: Ghost of Okiku and Tessan (Tetsuzan) With Umbrella
Kunichika: Portrait of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken