Utagawa School: Twelve Deluxe Shunga Scenes of Flowers of the Tokaido Road
Isoda Koryusai 田湖龍斎: Erotic Print (Shunga) of a Couple Making Love 春画
Utagawa School: Three koban shunga scenes of amorous activities
Eiri: Shunga of Beauty and Self-Pleasure (Sold)
Harunobu: Lovers next to sleeping man (Sold)
Harunobu: The Snowball (Sold)
Hokusai: Lovemaking at the New Year (Sold)
Isoda Koryūsai: Samurai making love to a young man. (Sold)
Kawanabe Kyosai: Humorous Shunga Picture Calendar with Erotic Scenes (Sold)
Kunisada: Shunga (Sold)
Utagawa School: Movable Paper Doll Shunga scene “Shikake bunko” 仕掛文庫 (Sold)
Kunisada: Shunga with Horse (Sold)