Kuniyoshi 国芳: Princess Shiranui Fighting Two Bandits as she Prepares to Carry out a Ceremonial Curse (Sold)
Kuniyoshi: Tattooed Hayakawa Ayunosuke (大板ヲ持) Creating a Fish Trap (SOLD)
Kuniyoshi: Shirai Gonpachi with Robe with Cursive Script (Sold)
Kuniyoshi 国芳: Station Fushimi; Tokiwa Gozen Escaping with Children in the Snow (Sold)
Kuniyoshi 国芳: Beauty with Umbrella and Blue Tie-dye Kimono (SOLD)
Kawanabe Kyosai 河鍋 暁斎: Daikoku in a Tug of War with Rats 新板 大黒天福引之図 (Sold)
Kawanabe Kyosai 河鍋 暁斎: Octopus Satire Triptych 狂斎百狂 どふけ百万編 (Sold)
Kawanabe Kyosai 河鍋 暁斎: One Hundred Night Demons Magic Lantern (SOLD)
Kawanabe Kyōsai: One Hundred Night Demons Magic Lantern Shadow Picture (Sold)
Kawanabe Kyōsai (School of): Picture of Taishun (Shunshi) of Paragon of Filial Piety (Sold)
Bertha Lum: Point Lobos (Sold)
Bertha Lum: Wise Men (Sold)