Kuniyoshi: Samurai in Battle Gear
Kuniyoshi 国芳: Tametomo Catching Arrows
Kuniyoshi: Nowaki: Kidômaru with Sword on an Ox
Kuniyoshi: Honcho Tsunagoro and Lanterns
Kuniyoshi 国芳: Shutendoji Monster as a Nice Guy
Kuniyoshi: Monk Jakuren Hoshi
Kunichika: Matsurogo Committing Seppuku
Kunisada: Tsu Brigade, Ninth Group, Tabata; Bando Mitsugoro VI as Ota Mochisuke Ason つ 九番組」 「田畑」 「太田持資朝臣 坂東三津五郎」(六代目)
Kunisada: Ronin Raising his Lantern and Preparing for the Night Attack
Kunisada: Loyal Retainers Satô Yomoshichi and Onodera Chinai
Kunisada: Taira no Tadamori and the Oil Thief
Hirosada: Bloody Actor Diptych from Vendetta Play