Kuniyoshi: Shopkeepers fighting (Sold)
Kuniyoshi: Station Mitake: Akushichibyôe Kakekiyo (Sold)
Kuniyoshi: Taira Ghosts attacking Yoshitsune’s Ship (Sold)
Kuniyoshi: The tengu defending Yoshitsune on Gojo Bridge (Sold)
Kuniyoshi: Komei Praying for Wind (Sold)
Kuniyoshi 国芳: Returning Sails in the Ryukyu Islands: MInamoto no Tametomo (SOLD)
Kuniyoshi: Kikenji Tokyô Lifting a Rock (SOLD)
Kuniyoshi: Tametomo Catching Arrows (Sold)
Kuniyoshi 国芳: Kumawakamaru and Honma Saburo 熊若丸 本間三郎 (SOLD)
Kuniyoshi: Pouring Sake for Chôhan (Sold)
Kuniyoshi: Akashi: Yoshitsune Training in Martial Arts with the Tengu (Sold)
Kuniyoshi: The Ghost of Akugenta Yoshihira Exacting Revenge on Nanba Jiro at Nunobiki Waterfall (Sold)