Yoshitoshi: “Famous Places in the East: The Ancient Incident of Umewaka and the Child Seller beside the Sumida River. “

Yoshitoshi: “Famous Places in the East: The Ancient Incident of Umewaka and the Child Seller beside the Sumida River.“ (Sold)

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Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Title: “Famous Places in the East: The Ancient Incident of Umewaka and the Child Seller beside the Sumida River. “
Date: 1883

An evocative tour-de-force. Falling cherry blossoms and a brilliant reflected moon highlight the poignancy of this scene, a masterpiece of beauty and drama. The 12-year-old boy Umewaka collapses at last beneath a heartbreaking full moon as a man approaches with either menace or concern.

Falling cherry blossoms and a brilliant reflected moon highlight the poignancy of this scene, a masterpiece of beauty and drama.

Condition: Excellent impression and color. Strong woodgrain in the sky. Very good condition. Some trimming.
Dimensions: Oban triptych
Publisher: Akiyama Buemon
Literature: See page 55 of “The Bizarre Imagery of Yoshitoshi: The Herbert R. Cole Collection” by Keyes, 1980.
Seal: Yoshitoshi no in
Signature: Taiso Yoshitoshi