Yoshitoshi: Empress Jingû on a seacliff

Yoshitoshi: Empress Jingû on a seacliff (Sold)

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Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Title: Empress Jingû on a seacliff
Series: Dai Nippon shiryaku zue “ A Simple Illustrated History of Japan”
Date: 1879, 4th month

The 15th Empress, Jingû, has landed on a seacliff in Korea. She gestures towards land with her large bow, her attendants watching with interest. An interesting conceit of this series is the “trompe l’oeil” effect of the unrolled scroll.

Condition: Excellent impression, color and condition.
Dimensions: ôban triptych
Publisher: Morimoto
Signature: Taiso Yoshitoshi