Hiroshige: Kameyama--Weather Clearing After Snow. One of the top designs of the “Hoeidô Tokaidô” in a very early state.

Hiroshige: Kameyama--Weather Clearing After Snow. (Sold)

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Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige
Title: Kameyama--Weather Clearing After Snow. One of the top designs of the “Hoeidô Tokaidô” in a very early state.
Series: Hoeidô Tôkaidô
Date: 1830s

A daimyô procession makes its way from the town of Kameyama to the Ishikawa castle.

Condition: Very good impression, color and condition. Left margin is trimmed to black border.
Dimensions: ôban
Publisher: Hoeido
Signature: Hiroshiga ga