Hiroshige: Hiratsuka: Path through a paddy field (nawate michi)

Hiroshige: Hiratsuka: Path through a paddy field (nawate michi) (Sold)

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Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige
Title: Hiratsuka: Path through a paddy field (nawate michi)
Series: Hôeidô Tôkaidô
Date: 1830s

Near the boundary post at the west of Hiratsuka a running messenger passes by two carriage porters who are leaving Hiratsuka. In a far distance a priest is going over the Hanamizu Bridge, and a traveller in a paper mantel comes from ôiso. In the background Mt. Fuji peeks through between Mt. Koma on the left and Mt. Oyama on the right. Mt. Koma is famous for its coloring in the fall. The mountain burns red and yellow. Many pilgrims visit Mt. Oyama. The forest on the right seems to be one of the resting place of Tokugawa Iyeyasu mitaka no goten.

Dimensions: horizontal ôban
Publisher: Hôeidô & Senkaku-dô
Signature: Hiroshiga ga