Osai Hōun: Shell Gathering on the Beach (Sold)

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Artist: Osai Hōun
Title: Shell Gathering on the Beach
Series: Mirror of Day and Night Customs (fu-zoku chu-ya no kagami)
Date: 1896

Shell Gathering (shio higari) from the series “Mirror of Customs of Day and Night” (fuzoku chuya no kagami). Charming view of a traditional springtime shell gathering custom that began on March 3 for a few days (according to the lunar calendar). The artist has integrated a lovely , mostly traditional interior scene of two beauties and a girl playing with a cat with an outdoor landscape scene with signs of amodernizing Japan. A lady on the veranda holds a pair of binoculars. On the horizon we can detect large steamships. In the central distance we see Mount Fuji, and near the shore on the middle sheet is a humorous view of a man grimacing as a crab pinches his fingers. On the left, above the night scene in a cherry blossom’s frame is a poem. Gas street lanterns and a high tower with lights are signs of modern times.

Condition: Excellent impression, color and condition. Untrimmed and unbacked.
Dimensions: ôban triptych
Publisher: Seikichi
Seal: Osai
Signature: Oju Osai Houn ga