Kuniyoshi: Actor diptych

  • $395.00
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Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Title: Actor diptych
Date: 1848

The actors Nakamura Tsuruzo I as Ryoshi Ganzo, Seki Sanjuro III as Yokoyama Daizo and Nakamura Utaemon IV as Otaka Tonomo in the play Takagi oriemon budo jitsu roku. The three men are engaged in a struggle that involves a scroll with the image of Daruma. They are on a shore with a festival happening to the left in boats and a large castle fortification to the right. Otaka Tonomo has blood on his bare torso.

Condition: Very good impression, color and condition. Center fold.
Dimensions: ôban
Publisher: Sanoya Kihei
Seal: Kiri seal
Signature: Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga

