Kunisada: Beauties Dressing (Sold)

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Artist: Utagawa Kunisada
Title: Beauties Dressing
Date: ca. 1830

“From the Eight Scenes of Southeast of Edo” (tatsumi hakkei no uchi). Three beauties prepare for their day; the one on the left is about to hand the one in the center a matching kimono.

Fukagawa is located the direction of tatsumi, southeast of Edo and the pleasure quarters there was named tatsumi no sato. The subtitle is written in picture characters in green on white. The tatsumi geishas were known for their characteristic style with haori coat and bare feet and represented the geisha of Edo. The eight famous places in Fukagawa are: Eitai-Bridge, Tsukuda-Island, Tomigaoka Shrine, Suzaki Benten, Sanjûsangendô, Mokuba, Jûmantsubo, Mannen-Bridge.

Condition: Very good impression, color and condition. Some minor stains.
Dimensions: ôban triptych
Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizo
Signature: Kôchôrô Kunisada ga