Kuniyoshi 国芳: Beauty with Folded Hands and Horse-Patterned Kimono

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Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861)
Title: Kimono Pattern with Shôbû-kawa しょうぶかわ.

Series: The Pride of Edo: Latest Purchase From the Maker (Edo jiman tôsei shiire 江戸自慢程好仕入)
Date: 1847-1852

We see a young beauty with her hands together, perhaps leaning forward to make a guest feel welcome. Her blue outer kimono has an interesting pattern of stylized white horses against a blue ground. Her inner garment features a radial tie-dye pattern on a purple ground, and her obi features a roundel with circling lions on a brown background.

This series of beauties serves also as advertisements for kimono patterns,  and introduces fashionable five tie-dye designs. These are: 1.Hogusome ほぐそめ 2. Gobanshima ごばんしま 3. Teppoo shibori てっぽう志ぼり4. Shoobu-kawa しょうぶかわ5. Yoshino kantooよしのかんとう. This print is the fourth of the series. The title cartouche imitates the special packing paper that was specifically used for kimono storage.

Provenance: Varshavsky Collection

Condition: Excellent impression, and color, very good condition. Clean and sharp, but with some trimming at top.

Dimensions: ôban (36.2 x 24.8 cm cm)
Publisher: Enshuya Matabei 遠州屋又兵衛
Seal: kiri
Signature: Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga

