Kunichika: Demon Ibaraki Retrieving her Arm and Watanabe no Tsuna (Sold)

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Artist: Toyohara Kunichika (1835-1900)
Title: Watanabe no Tsuna and Demoness Ibaraki Retrieving her Arm
Date: 1883

The demoness Ibaraki takes flight, clutching her just-severed right arm with her left hand. Her flowing white hair features extensive blindprinting (karazuri) and flows dramatically behind her, caught by the wind. Its beauty contrasts with the green of her limbs and their three-clawed hands. Watanabe no Tsuna has just completed the wounding strike, and watches her fly away.  The actor Ichikawa Sadanji as Watanabe no Tsuna is wearing formal court robes instead of armor; they are voluminous and spread out around him. His court cap features laquer-like printing and the under-robes of both actors are also blindprinted with a pattern. The demon Ibaraki is played by the kabuki actor Onoe Kikugoro. Soft gusts of wind are printed with barely-there wisps of white, and woodgrain is visible in the grey blocks of the background, indicating a very early impression. One of Kunichika’s finest designs in stunning condition.

Condition: Excellent impression, color and condition. Perfectly untrimmed, early edition with luxurious printing effects. Mint.
Dimensions: ôban triptych (37 x 76.5 cm)
Signature: Oju Toyohara Kunichika hitsu

