Kokunimasa: Russian Train Wreck in Ice (Sold)
Artist: Utagawa Kokunimasa
Title: Train Wreck in Ice
Date: 1904
An Enemy Troop Train Falling Through the Ice of Lake Baikal: from Telegraphed Reports of the Russo-Japanese War, March 1904. A Russian train filled with soldiers crashes through the thick ice before our eyes. We see the engine still spouting smoke and fire and the conductors throwing their arms up with helplessness as men jump out of windows and swim in the frigid waters. In the distance we see a second train steaming towards the site of the wreck over the frozen ice.
Condition: Excellent impression, color and condition. Some discolorations in center sheet.
Dimensions: ôban triptych
Publisher: Katada Chojiro
Literature: See FAMSF website.
Signature: Ryua