Kiyoshi Saito: Winter in Aizu with Caped Villagers (Sold)

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Artist: Saitō Kiyoshi (1907-1997)
Title: Winter in Aizu with Straw-Caped Villagers
Date: ca. 1960

Villagers wearing traditional straw capes make their way down a country lane lined with snow-covered wooden houses. The snow covers their feet, and the foreground figure wears a traditional wide traveling hat. Saito himself grew up in Aizu, and we feel the familiarity of home within the landscape. The charm and folk-art feeling of Saito’s work overlays a sophisticated mastery of design and technique. This scene feels timeless and creates nostalgia for an earlier, pre-industrial Japan.

Condition: Very good impression, color and condition.
Dimensions: 28.4 x 42.6 cm
Publisher: Self-published
Seal: artist’s seal “Kiyoshi” in red
Signature: Kiyoshi Saito (in pencil)

