Isshusai Kunikazu: Evening View of the Tenjin Festival

  • $395.00
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Artist: Isshusai Kunikazu (1848-1868)
Title: Evening View of the Tenjin Matsuri
Series: One Hundred Views of Naniwa (Osaka) Naniwa Hyakkei
Date: ca. late 1850s

Orange smoke from fireworks drifts in the sky as a flotilla of watercraft fill the river during the Tenjin Matsuri of Osaka, one of the top three festivals of Japan. This festival is celebrated in July and was started in the 10th century. We see a massive float aboard a raft, center, and pleasure boats with celebrating festival-goers surrounding it. On the shoreline rows of orange lanterns glow. Kunikazu was an Osaka artist whose landscapes are in the style of Hiroshige.

Condition: Very good impression, color and condition. 
Dimensions: chuban (24.9 x 17.5 cm)
Signature: Kunikazu ga

