Hasui: Early Summer Rain, Arakawa (Samidare Arakawa)

Hasui: Early Summer Rain, Arakawa (Samidare Arakawa) (Sold)

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Artist: Kawase Hasui
Title: Early Summer Rain, Arakawa (Samidare Arakawa)
Date: June, 1932 (Shôwa shichinen rokugatsu saku)

A beauty walks towards a busy river, blue umbrella aloft. Second state of this print, which includes an extra block for grey rain and a different block with more clouds. The earliest printings lack the rain itself (See print #HAC283a and Hotei photo 283). This is the second state of this work, with Doi seals that were used later.

Condition: Excellent impression, color and condition.
Dimensions: ôban
Publisher: Doi Sadaichi; seals of Ikeda/Yakoi(Engraver/Printer); Top seal reads “Hanken shoyu Doi Teiichi” (Copyright owned by Doi Teiichi)
Literature: N#D-10; H#283
Seal: Doi Hangaten: Harada/Yokoi
Signature: Hasui