Eisen Keisai: Kirifuri Waterfall--View of One of the Three Falls (Sold)

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Artist: Eisen Keisai
Title: Kirifuri Waterfall--View of One of the Three Falls
Series: From the Famous Places of the Nikkô Mountains (Nikko-san meisho no uchi)
Date: Mid 1840s

Five travellers cluster at the foot of the cascading Kirfuri waterfall, enjoying the spectacular view. Probably the finest design of the five, and the one that owes the greatest debt to Hokusai’s depiction of the same waterfall. This print has a pattern block for the red colors that is lacking in the print in the Baur collection, which is additional evidence that this is an earlier impression. Forrer writes that “the utsusu in the artist’s signature suggests that the waterfalls were drawn from nature rather than being copied after another source.” (See reference, below)

Condition: Excellent impression and color; very good condition. Bottom margin trimmed, and barely discernible center fold.
Dimensions: ôban
Publisher: Yamamoto Heikichi
Literature: See “The Baur Collection” Vol I by Matthi Forrer, plate G164. (Geneva, 1994)
Seal: Censor’s seal: Watanabe Jiemon
Signature: Keisai Eisen utsusu

