Yoshitoshi: Faith in the third-day moon--Yukimori

Yoshitoshi: Faith in the third-day moon--Yukimori (Sold)

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Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Title: Faith in the third-day moon--Yukimori
Series: One Hundred Aspects of the Moon
Date: 1886

Yukimori was a 16th century general who fought his entire and brief adult life against impossible odds. He was said tobe enormously strong and to have a strong belief in the good luck symbol of the third-day moon (mikazuki), the emblem of which he wears on his helmet. In this early impression we can appreciate the virtuosity of the plain woodgrain background and the way the figure is given dimensionality by the subtle shading surrounding him.

Condition: Excellent impression and color. Crease along left margin
Dimensions: ôban
Publisher: Akiyama Takeuemon
Literature: Stevenson #23.
Seal: Taiso
Signature: Yoshitoshi