Yoshitoshi: Flute Player Triptych (Sold)

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Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839-1892)
Title: Flute Player Triptych
Series: Tales of Great Warriors (Bidan Musha Hakkei)
Date: 1884

Autumn Moon at Tôin (Tôin no aki no tsuki). Fujiwara no Yasumasa playing his flute by moonlight, aware yet unafraid of the robber Hakamadare Yasusuke who is following him, entranced by his presence and his flute-playing. This work was initially published in 1868 by KInseidô, but this second state was published in 1884 by Katada Chôjirô.It features a different color scheme and a different block for the sky. It is possible that this work was re-issued due to the popularity of Yoshitoshi’s vary famous Flute Player triptych of Yasumasa and Hakamadare from 1883.

Condition: Excellent color; very good impression and condition. Areas of minor restoration, mostly in margins or corners.
Dimensions: ôban triptych
Publisher: Katada Chôjirô
Literature: Ed Fries collection catalog on Yoshitoshi, number 51a. See also “Beauty & Violence”, page 64.
Signature: Yoshitoshi

