Takehisa Yumeiji: “Paysage Triste” Sheet Music Cover and Music

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Artist: Takehisa Yumeiji (1884-1934)
Title:  “Paysage Triste” Sheet Music Cover  Date: 1919

Color lithogaph cover and musical score titled “Paysage Triste” for piano and voice by Paul Verlaine and Reynaldo Hahn. The cover was designed by Yumeji, and features a man in European dress out for a sojourn in nature, walking stick in hand and one arm resting upon a tree. Included is 3 pages of the musical work, which seems to be complete, as well as the back cover. The first very charming verse begins “L’om-be des ar-bres dans la ri-viere em-bru me”... and has hiragana next to the French. This is song sheet Senow No. 71, issued in 1919 by the music publisher Senow Ongaku Shuppansha under the direction of Kojiro Senow. Yumeji designed about 300 covers for Senow. Senow was the president of the Association for the Study of Occidental Music, which he founded in 1919.

Condition: Very good /good condition overall. Pages are separated and the cover has a missing corner. Includes pages 1-3 of the sheet music (probably complete) and the back cover.

Dimensions: 31 x 23.8  cm