Kawanabe Kyosai: Humorous Shunga Picture Calendar with Erotic Scenes (Sold)
Utagawa School: Literal Disaster Porn-- Shunga "Aftershocks" of an Earthquake (SOLD)
Utagawa School: Three koban shunga scenes, including a woman pouring tea (Sold)
Utagawa School: Three koban shunga scenes of erotic activities (Sold)
Utagawa School: Four koban shunga scenes of sexual congress (SOLD)
Utagawa School: Movable Paper Doll Shunga scene “Shikake bunko” 仕掛文庫 (Sold)
Osaka Artist (Kai--): Two Very Bawdy Erotic Shunga Prints (SOLD)
Shigenobu: Erotica (Shunga) of Westerners (Sold)
Kunisada: Shunga (Sold)
Kunisada: Shunga with Horse (Sold)
Shuncho: Shunga (erotica) of a couple with closed eyes (Sold)
Eiri: Shunga of Beauty and Self-Pleasure (Sold)