Yoshitoshi: Firemen Fight Sumo Wrestlers. This fight occured at the Shinmei Shrine in 1805 (Sold)

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Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Title: Firemen Fight Sumo Wrestlers. This fight occured at the Shinmei Shrine in 1805.
Series: New Selection of Eastern Brocade Pictures: SHINSEN AZUMA NISHIKIE
Date: 1886

Yotsuguruma Daihachi fights with Kotengu Heisuke during the battle between firemen and sumo wrestlers at the Shinmei Shrine in Shiba in 1805. The firemen wield the axes they use to chop into burning structures. The story was made into a kabuki play by Takeshiba Kisui.

Condition: Very good impression, color, and condition. Sheets are attached, but unbacked.
Dimensions: ôban diptych
Publisher: Tsunashima Kamekichi
Literature: See “Beauty & Violence”, listed page 136, number 55.8.
Seal: Taiso
Signature: Yoshitoshi