Hokusai 北斎: Horaiji Temple in Spring 蓬莱寺春景 (Sold)

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Artist: Katsushika Hokusai 北斎 (1760-1849)
Title:  Horaiji Temple in Spring 蓬莱寺春景
Series: An untitled series of the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido 東海道五十三次
Date: ca.1804

Horaiji temple is nestled between peaks that rise above Hokusai’s famous “glove clouds” in this usual, panoramic view. With swirling clouds that have been blindprinted as they snake down from the higher elevations.  The strong vertical nature of the upright conifers contrasts with the long horizontal format and the long, wide glove clouds. Eight works from the 59 prints in this set were first published with poems in 1804 as surimono for a kyoka club. This is from the second edition that was published in 1804. This is one of two extra double-size designs inserted between Fukuroi (Station 28), and Mitsuke (Station 29). Horaiji Temple was founded in 703 by the hermit priest Rishu, and is now designated a National Natural Monument and special scenic spot. Lower right we see another temple complex, its rooftops visible above the clouds. Scarce. 

Dimensions: 12.5 x 36.3 cm
Signature: Ga-kyo-jin Hokusai ga

Condition: Excellent impression. Very good condition and good color. Some loss of pink pigment in clouds. Center fold, as usual with this design.

