Kuniyoshi 国芳: Nichiren for Rain at Ryozen-ga-saki

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Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi 国芳 (1798-1861)
Title: Nichiren Praying for Rain at Ryozen-ga-saki, Kamakura, 1271 (Bun-ei hachi Kamakura Ryôzangasaki ame inoru) 高祖御一代略図 文永八鎌倉霊山ヶ崎雨祈
Date: ca. 1831

The monk Nichiren prays for rain and is immediately rewarded with a downpour. This event takes place at the Ryôzengasaki in Kamakura in 1271. Considered the second-greatest design in this famous series, there is drama in the rain and drama in the waves and drama in Nichiren’s acolytes as they witness this miracle. Nichiren was the founder of the esoteric Buddhist Nichiren sect. The year 1831 marked the 550th anniversary of his death and it is thought that this series may have been designed as a tribute. Kuniyoshi was a follower of the Nichiren sect and was buried at the Daisenji, a temple of this denomination. The umbrella at the top is often trimmed, as it extends into the upper margin. This work has large upper and right margins and is a very early impression.

Condition:  Excellent impression; very good color and condition. Center fold.
Series:  Concise Illustrated Biography of Monk Nichiren 高祖御一代略圖      
Publisher:  Iseya Rihei
Signature: Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga

Size: 24.5 x 36.8 cm
Literature: See “Heroes & Ghosts”, plate 206, page 187. See BM, MET, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Honolulu Museum of Art online. 

