Kunisada: Iga Jutaro and Taira no Yoshikado with Bow and Arrows 卯 平太郎良門 伊賀寿太郎

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Artist: Utagawa Kunisada 豊国三代
Title: 卯 平太郎良門 伊賀寿太郎 Iga Jutaro

Series: Allusions to the Zodiac Signs (Nazorae-Eto-Awase)  擬絵当合 also called “A Calendar of Hit Comparisons with Picture Play”
Date: 1852

Iga Jutarô (伊賀寿太郎), was an elderly warrior who is associated with the sorceress Takiyasha-hime. He is shown in the octagonal cartouche with his blindprinted white wig and beard. Here we see Taira no Yoshikado 平良門 holding a bow, an arrow shown protruding from an unknown target. Yoshidako’s sister Takiyasha-hime was apparently known for practicing dark magic to avenge the death of her father. Kuniyoshi also created a design that associates Iga Jutarô with the zodiac sign of the hare. There is a stone carving at right that perhaps might represent a hare.

This series combines the twelve signs  and elements of the Chinese zodiac with popular Kabuki characters.  

Condition: Excellent impression, color and condition. Clean and beautifully printed.
Dimensions: ôban (38 x 24.5 cm)
Publisher: Ebisuya Shoshichi

Signature: Toyokuni ga