Kiyochika: Emperor Go Daigo Being Carried to Shore (Triptych in the style of Yoshitoshi)

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Artist: Kobayashi Kiyochika
Title:  Nawa Nagashige Carrying Emperor Go Daigo to Shore from the series Unofficial History of Japan Nihon gaishi no uchi

Date: 1879

Playful print by Kiyochika in the style of Yoshitoshi. "Godaigo Tenno" (後醍醐天皇, Emperor Godaigo) is being carried by "Nawa Nagashige" (or "Nawa no Nagashige", 名和長重.)  Accompanying them are: "Nawa Nagataka" 名和長生, the man in the helmet, indicated by the smaller red banner just below and to the left of the emperor's banner); "Chunagon Tadaaki" ("chuunagon" 中納言 is a counselor of the second rank to the imperial court; name = "Chigusa Tadaaki" 千種忠顕); and "Nawa Nagatoshi" (or "Nawa no Nagatoshi", 名和長年, smaller red banner at upper left).

Emperor Godaigo was exiled to Oki Island by the Kamakura Bakufu (government), since he attempted to lessen the power of the Samurai (The Rebellion of Genko 1331). However, he escaped Oki with his attendant, Kigusa Tadaaki, to Nawa harbor  in Hoki Province, where Nawa Nagatoshi and his clan rescued them (1333). This nighttime scene must pertain to his rescue, as we see three sails advancing from the horizon. It is rather interesting how helpless the Emperor appears, almost like a child who is being carried; the Samurai carrying him is the strong one who seems in control of the situation.

Dimensions: ôban triptych (each sheet 36.2 x 25 cm)
Publisher: Matsuki Heikichi
Signature: Kiyochika, drawing in the style of Taiso Yoshitoshi