Hasui 巴水: Kayagafuchi Nagato Straits 長門峡かやケ淵 (Reserved)

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Artist: Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水 (1883-1957)

Title: Kayagabuchi Nagato Straits 長門峡かやケ淵

Series: Selection of Scenes of Japan 日本風景選集  Date: 1922 大正十一年

Kayaga Ravine, Chomon Gorge. Whitewater transforms into a smooth and reflective pool with many hues of blue in this autumn view. The foliage above the rocks has been printed in an almost unique way, and the plant colors include fiery orange and yellow.  Narazaki wrote: “The sound of rushing water as it descends and collects in a blue pool, the black areas of the rock hollows smoothed by the water are effective. The autumnal foliage is brightly colored... The natural rock formations are intriguing.” The whitewater itself actually has some dimensionality to it, as it includes a subtle addition of raised blindprinting. With the limited edition seal verso, reading 11(?) out of the edition of 200. The series title, title and date in the left margin are printed in tones of blue and grey, so as not to detract from the design itself. Chomonkyo is one of Yamaguchi Prefecture’s most iconic valleys, and is a nationally dedicated scenic spot. A scarce, pre-earthquake design

Condition: Excellent impression, color and condition.
Dimensions: aiban (22.7 x 30.2 cm) Publisher: Watanabe  Shôzaburô
Seal: Kawase  Signature: Hasui

Literature: Narazaki #91 Hotei #91. Kendall Brown, Water and Shadow: Kawase Hasui and Japanese Landscape Prints, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 2014, p. 147, cat. IV.90. See VMFA, MFA Boston collections.

