Kuniyoshi: Kusunoki Masatsura and Severed Heads at the Battle of Shijonawate 英雄六家撰 楠正行
Kuniyoshi: 47 Ronin in Council in Their Lord’s Palace
Kuniyoshi: Soga Goro Interrupts a Feast
Kuniyoshi: Fierce Benkei with Notice Board
Kuniyoshi: Station Mitsuke--Yoritomo Releasing Cranes
Kuniyoshi: Nowaki: Kidômaru with Sword on an Ox
Kuniyoshi: Sekibakki Ryutô
Kuniyoshi: Shuten-doji Banquet at Mt Oe
Kuniyoshi: Two Brave Retainers with Lanterns
Kuniyoshi: Monk Jakuren Hoshi
Kuniyoshi: Samurai in Battle Gear