Hasui 川瀬 巴水: Spring Moon, Ninomiya Beach 春の月(二宮海岸) (Sold)

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Artist: Kawase Hasui (1883-1957)
Title: Spring Moon, Ninomiya Beach 春の月(二宮海岸)
Date: 1932, March

A full moon, pure white, reflects on the shimmering waters off of Ninomiyo Beach. A lucky visitor has the beach to himself, and his figure is dwarfed by the enormous pine tree that stretches out protectively over the scene. The color of the beach is a soft green, which indicates that this is an unfaded example. We can assume that this work was printed in the 1940s/50s.

Condition: Excellent impression, color and condition. Hinging remnants at top corners, verso.
Dimensions: ôban (39.7 x 26.8 cm)
Publisher: Doi Hanga Ten; seal of Harada/Yokoi (Engraver/Printer); Top seal reads “Hanken shoyu Doi Hanga ten” (Copyright owned by Doi Print Shop)
Literature: Hotei #270a
Signature: Hasui